The 22nd Secret Page 14
“Can you hear me okay Mr. Mitchell? Over.”
“Yes fine and you? Over.”
“Fine, I’m going to arrive in Bear Breath as soon as I can. I’d like to ask you some questions, specifically anything you can remember about the crash site. It’ll be covered with several feet of snow, and even though the Army’s going to dig it out, well… I can’t tell you much. But there are some national security issues at stake and the information you can give me about what you saw could be invaluable. I read the FAA report you made but if you don’t mind, would you go over everything again with me? Over.”
“Well, I saw this Cessna Skyline182 with ski landing gear fly over me real low heading straight west. I think the engine cut off, for whatever reason, it went down fast and hard right into some trees. Must have knocked out fifty yards of forest before coming to a stop in a small clearing. Nothing left of the wings. They were all shredded and mixed in with the trees. The front of the cockpit and engine were pretty much gone too. Over.”
“The rest of the plane it was okay? Over.”
“I guess so. At least you could tell it was the rear half of an airplane fuselage. Over.”
“How many bodies did you see? Over.”
“Two. Over.”
“You sure? The FAA report said there were three occupants of the plane. Over.”
“I saw two dead males and the footprints of a female leading away from the crash. Over.”
“You sure they were males and dead? Over”
“They were both dead. That’s for sure. One was definitely a male the other, well, there wasn’t much left of him. Over.”
“How’d you know the unidentifiable body was that of the second male not the female? Which brings up an interesting question. How did you know the third occupant of the plane was a woman? Over.”
The pause in Jim’s answer was all Tom needed to hear. Patty had survived the crash. She was probably there with Mitchell. He hoped she could hear the conversation. He would try to signal her without letting Mitchell know too much. Pam picked this up too and hoped she would be able to get some clues as to what was happening. “The luggage had been gone through and one of the suitcases contained ladies clothing. Also the footprints leading away from the crash were those of a woman’s boot. Over.”
“The luggage had been gone through. What exactly do you mean by that? Over.”
“There were three suitcases opened on the ground and it looked as though someone had thrown the contents around, like they were looking for something. Over.”
“That’s not good. You said the ladies footprints went away from the crash site. In which direction? Over.”
“West, the same direction the plane was heading. Over.”
“Just the ladies? You sure there was only one set of prints? Over.”
“That’s right just one. Over.”
“Doesn’t that seem strange to you? That a woman who had just been through something like that would just walk off into the woods by herself? Did you follow her trail, look for her, anything like that? Over.”
“Yeah, of course I did, but the direction she was heading was pretty dense forest and rocky. I couldn’t get through there with my snowmobile. I tracked her on foot but I had to turn around before I caught up with her. It was getting dark and the storm was getting bad. Over.”
“Anything out there that you know of she could have been heading for? You saw no other tracks, like she met someone or someone helped her? Over.”
“No nothing. Over.”
Tom’s experience as an investigator told him if he continued this line of questioning Jim would realize that he was on to him, so he backed off. “I want you to guide me and my men to the crash site. The soonest I can get there will be sometime tomorrow after 1 pm. That’s if nothing goes wrong and the weather continues to improve.” This was the part he hoped Patty would hear. “I want you to be ready at 1 pm tomorrow. Your friend, the sheriff, will be with us, this okay with you? Over.”
“The weather’s still going to be pretty bad but I’ll be ready at 1 pm. Over.”
“I’d like to talk more tomorrow but for now thanks for your time, Mr. Mitchell. Your information has been invaluable. I’m going to hang up now, sheriff. Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Bill and Jim heard a click indicating Walker had hung up.
Pam picked up the signal, but what did it mean? She was aware that Tom knew she wouldn’t just walk off like that. He knew they were a hundred miles from the Chinese.
“How about that?” Bill asked. Pam didn’t realize he was still on the line. “What do you think he meant by ‘national security issues’? That woman must’ve known there was someone out there waiting for her. You’re probably lucky you didn’t catch up to her, got your ass killed or something. I got to get back to work. See you tomorrow. Over.”
“Ten-four. See you tomorrow. Over and out.”
Jim slowly set the microphone down. Paula had walked over to him when Tom had hung up, waiting for Jim and Bill to finish. She wrapped her arms around Jim’s waist, held him tightly, and laid her head on his chest. Jim wrapped his arms around Paula’s shoulders. They stood quietly, drawing strength and security from each other for several minutes.
“Paula, I have a little cabin about an hour and a half by snowmobile from here. It’s used for emergencies like sudden storms when I have fishing parties out. It’s pretty basic, but it’s got a stove and it’s stocked with food and supplies, everything you’ll need. You wouldn’t have any trouble surviving there for a week, even longer."
“A week? Oh, Jim. I’m scared.” Paula said without moving her head off Jim’s chest or loosening her grip around him.
“You won’t even have to leave the cabin. Everything you need is there, except you’ll have to use the outhouse. This time of year the wolves won’t be starving yet. They’ll probably leave you alone. Do you know how to use a gun just in case?”
“Yes, I learned from my father on the farm.”
Jim pushed Paula away, holding her shoulders at arms length. “It’ll be hard, no communications. You’ll have to rough it a little, but if we’re lucky this Walker character will find what he wants and leave us alone. I’ll come get you as soon as I’m sure they’re gone for good.”
Paula wrapped her arms around Jim’s neck and pulled herself up to his ear. “Thank you, Jim. Thank you for helping me.”
They kissed and Pam allowed the door between them to open just a little. There was no doubt in either of their minds that their relationship was special. There would no longer be any questioning of the sincerity of what was between them. She wondered what she should do, wait here until Tom gets here, or go to Jim’s cabin? Tom knows I’m here, he knows Jim is lying so he’s planning around Jim’s lie. Henry, he’s in Alaska now, he could be here by tonight. Yes, that’s it. Tom knows Jim is going to try to hide me away somewhere by noon tomorrow. If Henry would be in position by tonight, Henry could take me to the rendezvous.
“Okay, I think we need to get everything ready for you to leave before dinner,” Jim said. “Then we can have the evening to ourselves. We’ll leave here by six in the morning. That will get me back here no later than say, ten or eleven in the morning. Walker said the soonest he could get here was one, and with this weather he’ll be late. Go upstairs gather all your dirty clothes, I’ll get the ones over there by the door from last night and meet you in the laundry. It’s back by the kitchen.”
They spent the next few hours preparing her for life alone in Jim’s cabin. They went through the dressers in the basement and outfitted her with everything she would need for several weeks in the Alaskan winter wilderness. They cleaned and hid the clothes Jim had gotten out of the suitcases at the crash among the other men’s clothing in the basement. Jim gave her his thirty-eight and a box of bullets, and went over how to use it with Paula, who obviously already knew. Jim packed everything into two backpacks and Paula’s cosmetics case. Jim even went to the shed, where the snowmobiles were. He filled the
one he had used the day before and made sure it was working properly. The weather was still severe but Jim sensed that it was beginning to break. Walker may be able to get here by tomorrow at one after all. Jim suggested they clean up the morning dishes and the bedding from the night before and eat an early dinner. In order to leave by six they would have to rise at four-thirty. That would give them time for Paula to take one last shower, and both of them to eat breakfast and clean up the dishes and bedding. That way, even if Walker was early, there would be no evidence that she had been there. Jim could simply say he had gone out for a short ride to check out the weather. They were ready to go by mid-afternoon.
Paula lay on the leather couch studying the Indian rugs while Jim sat in the chair he slept in the night before.
“Let’s go through it one more time. Can you think of anything we’ve missed?”
“I don’t know, Jim. You’re the one with the plan. I can’t think of anything, but I wouldn’t have thought of half the things you have.”
Jim looked at Paula she sat cross-legged on the couch, leaning back. Jim was suddenly reminded of the romantic feelings they shared that morning. Paula still wore just a bathrobe and boots.
Paula felt his eyes probing her and she was immersed in desire. She looked at Jim with fire in her eyes. She jumped off the couch and into Jim’s lap, hanging her legs over one arm of the massive chair and throwing her arms around his neck.
“I hope we’re done working, because I’m hungry and starving. Hungry for that trout dinner you promised and starving for you.
Jim smiled and kissed her neck.
“You know how hard it’s been for me to walk around with just a bathrobe on? Waiting for you to get hot for me again? Next time your friend Bill radio’s you tell him you’re busy.”
She passionately kissed Jim, than let Jim take control of her. He kissed her back and pressed her closer to him. She wondered if she could ever tell Jim that her body responded directly to his thoughts.
“You’re so beautiful,” Jim said, caressing the side of her face. She leaned into his caress. Her excitement grew with each kiss. She knew this might be the only chance she would get to experience the love and tenderness she looked for all her life.
“Get me a beer from the bar,” Jim said. “I’m going to get that fire going.”
Pam knew he wanted to heat the area in front of the fireplace so she would be comfortable without the bathrobe. Paula placed her hands on each side of Jim’s face and drew near as if to kiss him. Her eyes locked on his and he felt her in his thoughts. Before he could get up, she whispered in his mind again.
When you’re ready let me know. Whatever you want, think it and I will do it for you. Your mind, your thoughts will control my body. I want to please you.
Paula’s eyes were still etched into his mind when he heard her speak from the bar. “Mind if I get one for myself?” Like snapping out of a daydream, Jim found himself sitting in the chair alone.
What the hell was that? He thought for a moment then stood and began filling the fireplace with wood.
“Help yourself.”
Paula walked over to Jim with two Coors.
“You drink regular Coors with your trout, right?” she asked, looking into the fireplace.
“That’s right.” He thought, kiss me, and she did.
She couldn’t believe it. For the first time in her life, Pam had experienced what most of her lovers had experienced. She was completely under his control.
”Come on,” Jim said. “You make the salad. I’ll cook the trout and wild rice, okay?”
“Okay,” Paula said demurely. Jim put his arm around her shoulder and they walked to the kitchen together.
“The salad makings are in the reach-in over there.” Jim said as he got the trout out of another reach-in refrigerator.
“I know where everything is. You get busy on the trout I’ll make the salad. Don’t worry I can handle it.” Pam was becoming accustomed to being in mental sync with Jim it was a very comfortable feeling. She had never allowed herself to totally open up. Not even with her mother. No other human had ever made it so easy to be the real Pam. Although she had to guard against exposing her true identity and reason for being in Alaska, she wondered if this is the way other couples felt, totally at ease with each other and living as one.
Jim stood and watched Paula as she worked with her back to him. She went to the correct drawer and removed a vegetable knife. She opened the reach-in and began taking out lettuce and vegetables. She selected lettuce, carrots, radishes, tomatoes and a cucumber, and set them on her cutting board. Finally, she walked around the corner to the dish room and brought back a large wooden bowl, along with the large wooden spoon and fork Jim used for salad.
“What are you, psychic or something?” Jim asked.
Pam was trying not to manipulate Jim’s feelings toward her and she hadn’t. They were falling in love. If circumstances were normal, she wouldn’t hesitate to share her extrasensory ability with Jim.
“Maybe, maybe it’s you?” Pam turned and her face glowed with excitement. Her eyes connected with Jim’s and he was instantly buoyed by understanding.
“No, wait a minute,” he said. “Things like this just don’t happen.”
“Jim, I know you’ve felt it. You’ve felt it from the first moment we looked into each other’s eyes at the crash site. It’s happening now. Trust me, Jim. This is a wonderful thing. Just relax and let it be part of our relationship. I’m hungry. You must be starving. Let’s eat and then I can show you how special you are.”
Dinner was wonderful. They managed to forget about the week ahead and their unsettled future. Jim built up the fire after dinner while Pam cleared the table. When she returned to the fireplace, Jim was sitting in the middle of the leather couch. The area between the fireplace and the couch radiated with heat. Pam stood looking into the blazing fire.
“Jim, you have powers over me that no other person has ever had.” She turned and shook her head with resignation and smiled at him. “I can’t believe it. I’m going to have to trust you unconditionally. I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m going to release control of my body to you. Your thoughts will control me like they control your own body. This is a very special moment for us, be careful with me.”
Jim stared at her standing in front of the magnificent stone fireplace. She still wore just the white terrycloth bathrobe wool socks and untied boots. The entire scene reminded Jim of a Playboy centerfold. With the rustic fireplace as a background Paula posing for the camera. She loosened the belt of her robe, and slipped it off. She was everything Jim imagined and more. Her entire existence projected pleasure. Her eyes never wavered from Jim’s as he inspected every part of her, his mind racing with erotic thoughts.
“Slow down, Jim I can’t keep up with what you want me to do.”
Jim still didn’t believe this was happening. She was translating his thoughts into movements.
Sit on the arm of the chair, straddling it with your legs. Lean back, put your hands behind your head, and look at me like you’re posing for a centerfold.
When she did exactly as he thought, he shook his head in disbelief. He wondered, had that really just happened?
“Yes it did, Jim.” She answered him as she posed. “You know it did. Go with it. Let it happen.”
“I can’t. I mean, I can’t just make you do whatever I want. It can’t happen, I mean–”
“It’s what I want. I need it, Jim. Don’t make me beg you unless that’s what you want.”
“That’s not what I want. Come over here and kiss me.”
Pam sat on Jim’s lap straddling his legs. Knowing there would never be another man in her life like Jim. She was grateful they were having this time together. Jim was about to speak when Pam read his thoughts. Fiery desire flashed in her eyes as she ripped Jim’s shirt open, flinging buttons about the room. She released his belt buckle as quickly as she could and unbuttoned the button on his jeans before sliding th
e zipper down. Grabbing both sides of his pants and underwear she pulled them off simultaneously as Jim raised himself off the couch to allow them to be slid down to his boots. Pam admired his physically fit body. She struggled to understand her attraction to him but this was what she wanted. She opened up Jim’s unconscious mind and reminded him that she was totally under his control. Be careful what you think because it will become reality for me. I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me, ever. I love you Jim Mitchell, cherish me, enjoy me, and love me back.
At least for tonight, she would take Jim for her own and he would take her for his own. She hoped she would be strong enough to release Jim and alter his memory of this night before she left him. She was not sure she could block Jim’s memory even if she tried, even though there was a slim chance she could return to him someday. If she survived.
She walked to the hearth of the fireplace. The wood Jim added just after dinner was about half gone and the bed of coals glowed red hot. The heat radiating from the red coals made Pam feel like she was standing in the sun. Pam sat down on the hearth and warmed her back as she slipped off the boots and socks. She looked at the giant bear rug and wondered what it would feel like to lay on it. She laid down on it and rested her head on the bear’s head. The fur was luxuries and tingled the skin on her body. She closed her eyes and rubbed her arms and hands over the fur. She fantasized about Jim’s little Playboy centerfold imagery. She pictured herself lying on the rug as a centerfold, pleasing the desires of thousands, maybe millions of men. She was so relaxed and at ease here alone with Jim, so uninhibited under Jim’s control. She thought about the possibility Jim would discover her here on the rug. She heard a slight movement from the couch and looked over at Jim, who was removing his boots and watching her. The shock of suddenly being discovered like this was extremely arousing. She wanted to close her eyes and turn her face away from his stare, but he would not allow it. Jim stood removed his remaining cloths and joined Paula on the rug.
After what seemed an eternity of the most intense love making either of them had ever experienced. Jim collapsed exhausted next to her on the bearskin rug. Paula rolled on her side at the same instant Jim did their eyes met and they spontaneously laughed at the joy they had just experienced.